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Happy Hobbit Day

Is it a coincidence that the first day of Autumn is also National Hobbit Day? I think not. Hobbits and Fall can very much go hand in hand. Autumn brings with it a lot warm foods; soups and stews and I’m sure even a hobbit would appreciate a hot pumpkin spice latte. Even more so if it was spiked. Hobbit holes are often characterized as cozy and quaint. One tends to think of blankets and wool, and layers! I’m so excited to wear layers you have no idea.

It’s still the 90’s in Texas, let’s be honest, so it may not feel like Fall and it may not be realistic to layer today. But, take heart, cooler weather will be here eventually (I even hear next week temps will drop down to the 60’s!). Still, try not to let it stop you from properly celebrating Hobbit Day. To quote Bilbo himself, “It’s a dangerous business…going out of your door. You step into the Road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to.” Even though it may not feel like Fall, it can definitely feel like Hobbit Day! Here’s a few ways you can celebrate!

Have a feast!

Hobbits enjoyed at least six meals a day, often in the company of others. So, be sure to bake in some time at the table. Good food can be the cure for many ails. Call your peeps! Tell them to meet you at your favorite restaurant. It can be big or small as long as the food is good and plenty! Or, plan an impromptu pot-luck! Pick a house, bring a dish, and enjoy a meal in.

Go on an Adventure!

Adventure? On a Thursday? We know, we get it. Not everyone can just up take a day or road trip on a whim. But adventure can be right outside your door. Maybe go on a hike, or take a walk through the park. Explore a new restaurant you’ve been wanting to try, or a visit store that’s popped up in the neighborhood. There’s always the usual cultural stamps the city has such as museums and galleries. Or-if you are able-hop in the car, drive for an hour in one direction and see where it takes you. You never know.

Have an Ale!

If a Hobbit likes anything more than food it’s ale. The same goes here as it did for feasting! Drinking is enjoyed best when drinking with friends! With so many bars and micro breweries in town, the more difficult thing to do will be to choose which one to go to! By the way, I hear Trinity Park is having a whole shin-dig to celebrate Oktoberfest, so there’s a great destination right there!

Spend an evening in.

As it is written, “Hobbits are an unobtrusive people; for they love peace and quiet and good tilled earth…” And even Bilbo tended toward a quieter evening smoking pipe-weed and reading or writing. Far be it from me to tell you the right way to celebrate Hobbit Day! Maybe this September 22nd calls for a quieter evening at home. Having a smoke or an ale in the peace and quiet of your very own hobbit hole.

Regardless, we hope you have a very successful Hobbit Day however you should celebrate it. Also, happy Fall Equinox, here’s to shorter days, longer nights, and cooler weather! Why, yes I think I will have a drink to that!

Power Rangers in Space Reunion

Happening on November 19th and 20th! Get your tickets now: