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Book of Boba Fett Characters Ranked

The Book of Boba Fett Characters Ranked!

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the most badass of them all?

When The Book of Boba Fett teased us after Season 2 of The Mandalorian I’ll admit I was a bit disappointed that we weren’t getting another Mandalorian season 3 right off the bat. Still, as a Star Wars fan you can count me in. Oh and real quick, there will be spoilers ahead for those of you who haven’t seen the show. If you haven’t seen the latest episode of The Book of Boba Fett (episode 6 I believe) you might want to bow out right now, otherwise read on!

When The Book of Boba Fett finally arrived on Disney+, I was intrigued. After the first couple of episodes I felt my excitement wane. Who is this? This was the mysterious and feared bounty hunter with the cool helmet and armor? He’s kind of…nice. Like, really nice; offering people a job, wanting to clean up the streets. Even chastising someone for price gouging water. By episode 4 I began to wonder, “Will he be getting angry…at all? He’s a bit of doormat.” But, lucky for the bloodthirsty types like myself, Boba Fett is surrounded by characters much more badass than he is. So, let’s rank ’em, shall we? Here’s the most badass characters in The Book of Boba Fett from most to least.

Topping the heap: Cad Bane

Even though he’s only been in one episode he brought enough intimidation and foreboding to last the entire series. Maybe it’s his reputation that’s preceding him, but Cad Bane’s pretty ruthless. As we’ve seen in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and in The Bad Batch, Bane’s gone toe to toe with the Jedi and Fennec Shand. And lived to tell about it. In his Boba Fett debut, he walks straight outta’ the desert into Freetown and in a matter of minutes walks out leaving behind a dead deputy and a (hopefully) wounded marshall. His The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly swagger, complete with that super dope wide brim hat makes him the baddest of them all.

Next up: The Mandalorian himself, Din Djarin

After a relatively tame few episodes, the Mandalorian shows up just in time to bring the heat. Episode 5 is his entirely and his entrance says it all. In the episode’s first scene he shows up to collect the bounty on what appears to be the owner of a butcher shop. When he tries to bargain with Djarin, the Mandalorian wastes no time in showing who’s really in control. No sooner does the fight begin, than Djarin takes out the dark saber. Even though he wields it clumsily, he still manages to take no prisoners. The fight ends with him beheading his bounty and delivering it, despite a nasty wound to his leg. Take that, add his Beskar armor and his sweet remodeled Nubian ride; top it off with a dash of dad-vibes for Grogu and you have the second badass under Bane. Not too shabby.

Number 3: The Tusken Warrior

Next up: the unnamed Tusken warrior. Not only does she dominate over Boba Fett when they first meet, but it looks as if she single handedly teaches him his hand to hand combat skills Boba later uses to wordlessly beat down a gang of bikers at a bar. She really gets her moment while Boba, other Tusken tribe members, and she take down a speeding train full of Pykes. Easily holding her own against several armed enemies as well as jumping through the window of a speeding train. To be able to be that dexterous while wearing all those layers definitely puts her in the top half of our list.

Fourth: Black Krrsantan

Black Krrsantan, or as my wife proclaimed as soon as he walked onscreen, “My new boyfriend,” existed on the comic page before he’s seen here in The Book of Boba Fett. Even though I’m not up to speed on his past I can say don’t knock his fourth place ranking here. I mean, he’s got a metal shoulderpad with spikes on it. He gets irritated at people having fun playing games at bars. He pulls the arm off of an alien just for spite, and if he’s anything like the rest of us, he hates those teenagers too, and their space-Vespas.

In fifth place: Fennec Shand

Hey, don’t look at me. I wanted to give Shand a higher ranking, especially after seeing her in The Mandalorian first. Again, it should be one of those things where her reputation for being a master assassin and mercenary should give her an edge up. Yet in The Book of Boba Fett she largely plays second fiddle to Boba’s throne. Not to say she doesn’t try to give Boba some solid advice. She’s tossed out several ideas that I would have loved to see Boba Fett employ, and yet he always dismisses them offhand. Even now, knowing that her insides are part bionic makes her even more badass, unfortunately Boba Fett won’t allow her to show us why.

Cobb Vanth

Coming in second to last is Cobb Vanth (one of) the fastest draws in the space West. Sportin’ an oversized bandana and where did he find that textured faded red shirt? I’ve simply got to get one! Although he’s mostly a keeper of the peace over Freetown, he let a couple of Pykes know not to challenge him to an unfair fight killing all but one. Followed by kicking valuable spice into the sands of Tatooine because ain’t nobody got time for that. Although he couldn’t out draw Cad Bane, he’s got confidence, charisma and can be a badass if need be. Think it through.

Coming in last: Boba Fett himself

Now come on…you think this is where I wanted Boba Fett to end up? Our favorite mysterious bounty hunter known for his iconic costume; later on learning his father was pivotal-PIVOTAL!-to the Clone Wars, landing last place in line for the title of Badass. Alas, here we are. According to The Book of Boba Fett, our favorite bounty hunter went and had a Dances With Wolves/Lawrence of Arabia type of spiritual awakening and now, with one exception of blasting a bunch of sand bikers out of their boots when he retrieved his old ship, insists on ruling Mos Espa using the most noble of all influences…respect. Unfortunately for him and for us it doesn’t make him much of a badass. In fact, nothing was more evident than when he had gathered all of the crime bosses from other parts of Mos Espa and had everyone-what I refer to it as-‘pinky promise’ that when the Pykes invade they will remain “neutral.” Oof.

There you have it! The Biggest Badasses of The Book of Boba Fett. As I write this there is still one more episode to go before the season’s end. To be honest, I really am rooting for Boba Fett to have a truly badass moment. From the look of the first half of this series though, I’m keeping that bar super low. Here’s hoping episode 7 will prove me wrong.