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DC Reimagines The Justice League as Dinosaurs

“Jurassic League” is The Justice League as dinosaurs (and I’m here for it)!

I’m not a big DC comics reader. As a teen I focused on three titles: Marvel’s Spider-man, X-men and Image’s Spawn. Those were my go-to’s. Later, I was a big Batman fan for a while, but since DC’s gone ape over Batman titles, I’m over it. Full disclosure: here are the recent DC titles I’m reading right now. Batman ’89 because, duh! and Cliff Chiang’s Catwoman because I really dig old and aging superheroes. Otherwise I gravitate toward a wider range of comics. Such as creator owned projects, TMNT’s Ronin from IDW, a handful of Image creators and…you get the idea.

There’s a couple of reasons why I’m extra hyped over DC announcing The Jurassic League series. The first is that it’s doing exactly the thing only comics can do. One of the things I love most about comics is if you can dream it, you can draw it. Re-imagining The Justice League as dinosaurs is genius. It’s a prime example of giving us the thing we didn’t know we wanted. Who knew how awesome it would be to see Batman as a dinosaur? No one knew, but now that’s it here I’m all in!

The second reason is Daniel Warren Johnson who’s worked on Wonder Woman: Dead Earth and Beta Ray Bill. I’ve just recently been turned on to Johnson’s work and was an immediate fan. I’m less familiar with the artist on this project, Juan Gedeon (Venom), but from the images that have been released from DC, I’m not worried. It looks as if this project is in great hands.

In a recent Polygon article, Johnson is quoted saying, “I dig the Justice League, but I dig them MORE as dinosaurs.” Not that I ever thought about it, but I’m pretty sure I agree. Gedeon said in the same article, “I didn’t know if it was a good idea or not, I just knew I wanted to draw these creatures.”

This is one series where I’m hoping the hype is justified. Yet, when I step back I have to ask, how can this go wrong?! It’s superhero dinosaurs. Wonder Woman is a Triceratops! Batman is a T-rex. Let’s do this!

Jurassic League is set to be released on May 10th, wherever comics are sold. There will be 6 issues in the miniseries, for $3.99. Don’t forget to check out more preview artwork below!