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Deadpool and Wolverine in the MCU

Like a bomb. Like a bomb that only comic nerd ears could hear go off. That was the bomb that dropped yesterday as Ryan Reynolds himself told the world that Deadpool 3 would have Wolverine. Not just any Wolverine, mind you. The Wolverine. I’m talking about Hugh Freakin’ Jackman. Logan. Wolverine. They’re all the same guy. You get it okay moving on.

While this news is definitely news-Jackman had said he had retired from playing the character-it still feels like it was meant to be. So, what does this mean exactly? Well, there’re a couple things to consider.

The previous Deadpool films were made under Fox Entertainment Group’s studio. Not Disney. Which has a lot to do with that R rating. And probably a lot to do with why that film is so much better than several other Marvel films. But, Disney owns the MCU and now that Disney owns X-men and Wolverine and Deadpool there’s good reason to be worried. Need I remind you of the Disney-fication of Kingpin in Hawkeye? He was so…not scary. Nevertheless, Kevin Feige promised that Deadpool 3 would be an MCU movie and that it would remain R-rated and fans are going to hold him to that.

The other layers on the adamantium cake are: on one hand, it’s nice to see Deadpool enter the MCU. It’s also nice to see X-men enter the MCU via Wolverine. Not to reiterate, but it’s exciting to think about an R-rated MCU film with Deadpool and Wolverine. It could be so…Tarantino-esque. Beautifully bloody. Seriously, Disney would never. On the other are all the questions. When does this take place? Didn’t Wolverine die? How will they address where Deadpool’s been since the MCU started? All questions that we won’t get answers to until September 6, 2024 in fact. That’s a long time to wait.

For fanboys and girls alike, the wait is totally worth it. And if you want to hear it again from Ryan and Hugh’s mouths. I give you these next few videos.

Save the Date: Power Ranger in Space Reunion

On November 19th and 20th Fanboys Marketplace is hosting a Power Rangers in Space Reunion Event. VIP passes and photo tickets are available now for purchase ahead of time. Click the link here, and we’ll see you in November!