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Josef Rubinstein

Fanboys Marketplace Josef Rubinstein
by Gage Skidmore

Josef Rubinstein, a famous comic book artist, was born June 4th, 1958, in Germany.

Rubinstein’s work as a comic book artist and inker is held in high regard. His career spans over five decades and includes inking credits in over 2,500 comic books alone. He has worked for major comic book brands including Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Dark Horse Comics, and Kingstone Publishing.

The length of Rubinstein’s career means we have a lot to cover. Let us get to it!

In the early 1970s, teenage Rubinstein broke into the industry, working as an office assistant at Continuity Associates. During this time, he learned to ink from the great Dick Giordano. 

At age seventeen, Rubinstein would also meet Mike Netzer. The renowned artist received his first comic book assignment at this time and allowed Rubinstein to practice inking on photocopies of his work. This event would give Rubinstein his first project; the editor of the project saw his work and officially put him in charge of inking the comic book. Rubinstein and Netzer got paired up on several projects following this. 

1982 would bring us the Wolverine mini-series; this is one of the most notable inking works of Rubinstein. His other most notable inking credit is his work on The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe; this project took twenty years to finish. This project would also earn him the Guinness World Record for inking more pencilers than anyone else in his industry.

Although the two previously mentioned projects are Rubinstein’s most notable projects, he has done amazing work on many other comics, including,

  • The Infinity Gauntlet (Marvel Comics)
  • Archenemies (Dark Horse Comics)
  • Ion (DC Comics)
  • Venom: Carnage Unleashed (Marvel Comics)
  • Brilliant #1 (Marvel Comics)

These are just a few of the many amazing credits Rubinstein has procured over the years! One of his most recent works includes True Believers: Rebirth of Thanos (2018) #1. He has helped bring to life iconic characters such as Thanos, Wolverine, Venom, and Ion. Marvel, DC, Dark Horse all would not be what they are today, let alone the comic book industry, without the indisputable talents of Josef Rubinstein. 

Josef Rubinstein will be appearing at Fanboys Marketplace for an exclusive signing on October 3.