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My Retro TV

My Retro TV is an amazing trip back in time

A theme running through my blogs lately is definitely all about nostalgia. While giant movie studios try to re-boot popular 80s properties in hopes to breathe new life into its fanbase and birth a new multi-million dollar franchise, sometimes you just can’t top the original. On Sunday I lost a good two hours of my life falling down the rabbit hole of old television via an impressive website called

Depending on the decade, you can get lost in a thousand forgotten memories of television commercials, news stations, music videos, cartoons, Christmas specials, sports, soap operas, talks shows, games shows and more! Each decade has it’s own era’s style television and depending on each you have to change the channel either on the TV’s dials or the remote control.

You can click through the channels and let the website deliver your old favorite TV memories at random or pick what you want it to focus on: be it cartoon episodes, music videos, game show clips, etc. It was fun seeing what was on TV the year I was born and the year my wife was born, but of course I spent a lot of time perusing what I remember the most: the 90’s.

Any one else remember Bobby’s World with Howie Mandel? Man I used to love that cartoon. Even while I write this blog I’m listening to a live set from No Doubt’s 1997 Magic Kingdom tour before Gwen Stefanie became the fashion Icon she is today. Back then she was just a punk/ska rocker making her mark on the music industry.

I hate to say it’s a wonderful way to waste your time because I had so much fun just flipping through what essentially turned out to be most of my childhood. So, while I don’t see that as time wasted, I’d say don’t hop on the website if you’ve got some place to be because you’re going to be calling in late.

Another beautiful thing about the website is that…it’s on the web. There’s not an app equivalent where you can watch it on your phone. And…I don’t know. Is it better to trade one screen in for another? I mean, instead of scrolling through Instagram, I’m essentially scrolling through all the feel good vibes. Which makes a difference I think. As every generation ages they all start to say things like, “Well back in my day…” and commence to explaining how good times were. I wonder if my generation, roughly Gen X, may be the first generation where we might be right? In any case, it was refreshing-to say the least-to comb through the last two or three decades and see how silly we all were. When a website’s content can make me forget that my phone even exists, count me in.