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Pop culture update for August 4, 2022

A lot of announcements have happened in the past 24 hours! When there’s so much news happening that I can’t keep up, I down shift into a pop culture update post! A blog that highlights all the headlines in one place. So, let’s get into it shall we?

JOKER: THE MUSICAL. The sequel to Todd Phillip’s Joker definitely has a title and a release date. The sequel, reportedly titled Joker: Folie a Deaux is planned to come out on October 4, 2024. There’s been buzz that it could “become a musical.” Not quite sure what that means here, also not quite sure I really want Joker 2 to be a musical. Still, signs point more towards the rumor being true now that Lady Gaga has officially signed on to play Harley Quinn.

BATGIRL CANCELED. The fallout is still reverberating throughout Hollywood in reaction to Warner Bros. Discovery’s announcement that they’re canning the entire Batgirl film altogether. The directors put forth a statement shortly after the news, and today Leslie Grace, who donned the costume tweeted a loving tribute to all who worked on the movie. “I’m “proud of the love, hard work, and intention all of our incredible cast and tireless crew put into this film over seven months in Scotland.” She went on to say in another tweet, “I feel blessed to have worked among absolute greats and forged relationships for a lifetime in the process! To every Batgirl fan – THANK YOU for the love and belief, allowing me to take on the cape and become, as Babs said best, ‘my own damn hero!’

ETERNALS 2? (HARD QUESTIONMARK). Patton Oswalt my have let the cat out of the bag. On The Today Show he said he hopefully will be working with Harry Styles in Eternals 2. The sequel is un-confirmed, and it didn’t show up on Feige’s timeline at SDCC, but Oswalt said it’s a go and that Chloe Zhao is to return as director. Does Oswalt know something we don’t? Probably, but Marvel’s not saying a word. Only time will tell.

Okay. A lot’s happening in the house of Marvel and DC apparently, and I’m here for it!

That’s it for this pop culture round up. Thanks for reading and until next time maybe we’ll see each other at Fanboys!