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Santa Claus is comin’ to Fanboys

You better not pout and you better not cry, cause Santa Claus is comin” to Fanboys! The most popular man of the month will be stopping by our Ridgmar Fanboys location this Saturday from 12pm-3pm. While Santa’s elves are in the workshop getting last minute preparations underway for the Big Show this Christmas Eve-Santa is making some final rounds to make sure he’s heard what everyone wants for Christmas.

This is our third year to have Santa stop by our Fanboys store and bless us with his joy and cheer. He’s got a mission. The first is to hear it straight from the source, and find out exactly what you want for Christmas. This doesn’t go for just kiddos, moms and dads, he wants to know what’s on your list as well! His second mission is to spread Christmas joy, cheer and happiness as far as possible. Everyone knows it’s the Christmas Spirit that powers his magic after all. So literally the more…the merrier!

Fanboys will also have a photographer on site to take photos of you, your family, or your kiddo with Santa! Photos are free, compliments of Fanboys. We’re just happy to have you! While you’re there, maybe scratch a few items off your wish lists, or the lists of your loved ones! This weekend, spend over $25 and you get to roll a D20 dice. Whatever number the dice lands on, that’s the percentage we’ll take off your purchase. That’s a chance for up to 20% off! Not to mention our daily deals leading up this weekend.

So, make time this weekend to stop by our store. Have a visit with Santa. Get your pictures taken, and spend some time with your favorite pop culture and collectible toy store. We look forward to seeing you there!

Lastly, special thanks to Jolly Ol’ Saint Nick himself for stopping by. You can find out more about him on his website: