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Spider Man: Across The Spiderverse

The new Spider-Man: Across The Spiderverse trailer is here and it’s pretty meh.

Okay, I have thoughts. Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse, probably Sony’s only actually good superhero film as of late, was Uh-mazing. I’m a big fan. It not only introduced us to Miles Morales, the Spider-man of an alternate universe, but gave us several other Spider-peeps that some people have been waiting for. For me, that would be an grown up Peter Parker. By comparison Peter’s been a teenager in the movies for decades now. And I’m over the teen angst. I’m tired of the love story. And I’m tired of the high school scene. Even though Into the Spiderverse’s Miles Morales is still in that scene, at least we get to see a grown up-30 something-Peter Parker who’s dealing with grown up-30 something-problems. This is a Spider-man I can get behind.

Spider-ham, Noir Spider-man, Gwen…actually all of them are just stellar in that movie. It was such a great time in the theater. So, the hype is there! The bar is high! And so, when the Spider-man: Across the Spiderverse trailer hit, I was ready. Except that the trailer…is more of a teaser? Like, we get fleeting glimpses of several other Spider-man variants, but no close ups. Also, the liberal usage of footage from he last film seems like a cheat. It’s not like the film came out 30 years ago and audiences need to be reminded of what happened in the original movie. So, why spend so much time reminding us? It was weird and disproportionate to the rest of the trailer.

What action we do get to see takes place in some weird dimension…and then it’s over. End of the trailer. Huh. So, that’s what they’re going with to drive audiences to the theaters. Scenes from the first film interwoven through a weird spider dimension and Spider-man 2099 looking mad.


Well, judge for yourself what you think of the new trailer. I mean, above all, things still look great, but I need something more to chew on. The emo pep talk from his mom just isn’t doing it for me. Give me Variants! Give me Spider-peeps! And more Gwen Stacy! Hopefully in a later trailer they will. For me, this one was pretty underwhelming.