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Superman: Space Age

DC Announces new one-off Superman Title: Superman: Space Age

Besides the iconic Death of Superman way back in 1992 and a couple of the Superman comics that emerged after it, it’s been since then that I’ve read a Superman comic. I have no qualms with The Ultimate Boy Scout, I just wasn’t a fan. My nose was stuck in Spiderman or X-men and soon anything Image put out. And nowadays, I’m not even sure what’s happening anymore. Isn’t Superman married? I think he’s got a kid now and there’s a TV show and maybe there’s alternative Supermen depending on which planet Earth that you’re on? It all makes my head spin.

For that reason, I tend to lean toward out-of-continuity books and storylines. Things that exists out of context. Stories that also have a limited run-time. That way I’m not buying comic books every other week until the end of time. Not that there’s a problem with that, it’s just, a guys got to eat and make sure the lights stay on. That’s why I’m super pumped to hear about this Superman: Space Age series by Mark Russell and Michael Allred.

First: it’s prestige format-a larger, magazine format that separates it from the other comics; that will have a limited 3 issue run, and the first issue will be at 80 pages! Three issues! 80 pages! Count me in. It also comes out during my birthday month: July.

Second: Look at this art!

It looks nearly vintage! Up to this point, Michael Allred wasn’t on my radar, but now his signal is glaringly bright. It’s so hard to put my finger on just what he’s doing here with the line work, but it’s almost Kirby/Ditko-esque but modernized. Superman’s costume isn’t overworked meaning it doesn’t look like he’s wearing body paint-which I appreciate. And is that some sort of vintage Batman with a battalion of vintage Batmobiles? What’s even happening!? I love it.

Third: It being out of continuity means I don’t have to have read any comics that came before or anything that comes after in order to enjoy the story. It’s all self contained into this single run.

Anyway, I guess I should tell you what the comic’s even about. Here’s what DC released:

Meet  Clark  Kent,  a  young  reporter  who  just  learned  that  the  world  will  soon  come  to  an  end  (Crisis  on  Infinite Earths) and there is nothing he can do to save it. Sounds like a job for his alter ego…Superman! After years of standing idle, the young man from Krypton defies the wishes of his fathers to come out to the world as the first superhero of the Space Age. As each decade passes and each new danger emerges, he wonders if this is the one that will kill him and everyone he loves. Superman realizes that even good intentions are not without their backlash as the world around him transforms into a place as determined to destroy itself as he is to save it.

So pumped you guys…and I’m not even a fan!

Superman: Space Age #1 (of 3) is due out in stores and digitally on Tuesday, July 26th.