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The Comics Boom is Here

The Comics Boom is Here

Every year I hear the same thing from certain circles in the comics-sphere. The message is always the same, “Comics are dying.” The fear began with newspapers going under due to the digital revolution. “Print media is going the way of the dinosaur.” In the beginning we feared for our books. Then we feared for our bookstores. Comics-almost as a rule-always get thrown under the bus. It’s because the rest of the industry doesn’t like to recognize comics for what they are…which are books. Graphic novels and comics are books too. Hate to break it to you.

Rest easy my comic reader because the reports are in and the comic boom is definitely here. Comichron-the world’s largest public repository of comic-book sales figures-just released a report showing the numbers of comic and graphic novel sales for 2021. According to that report “sales of comics and graphic novels grew over 60% in 2021. Total comics and graphic novel sales to consumers in the U.S. and Canada were approximately $2.075 billion, a 62% increase over sales in 2020, and up over 70% from sales in 2019, the last pre-pandemic year.

According to that report:

“Publishers made more selling comics content than in any year in the history of the business, even when adjusted for inflation. The biggest year in the modern era, 1993, saw sales of around $1.6 billion in 2021 dollars — and the pricier product mix puts 2021 ahead of what the colossal circulations of the early 1950s brought in, also adjusted for inflation.

Topping 2020 numbers was easily done, as most brick-and-mortar retailers were shut down to foot traffic for periods during the year, but it was more impressive that numbers exceeded 2019’s by a hefty margin. Graphic novel sales were especially strong in the manga category, and periodical comics also had a great year, easily beating 2019.”

As far as comic shops are concerned, I think we need not to worry too much. Sales for comics shops were up by 60% last year. Compared to 2020 that makes sense as 2020 saw the halt to all foot traffic across the planet. But, according to these numbers, comic shops were up by 34% compared to 2019-no pandemic in sight.

For me, this news is personal. Not only am I a fan of comic books and comic shops but, I also write and draw original comics. My plan is to publish an original graphic novel in the next year or so, and when all everyone likes to talk about is how comic shops are on deaths door, it’s a scary thought. Comic shops can often be the life-blood to comic creators, a pivotal role in getting books in front of soon to be fans. These numbers show that not only is the audience out there, but are willing to show up. Comic shops sold $705 million dollars in comic gear last year! That’s incredible.

It’s good to see some positive news about comics, graphic novels, shops and the comic industry at large for a change. The book market can be remarkably fickle, but this uptick is really exciting. I’m hoping it stays around for quite a while.

You can read the entire Comichron report here.

Wanting to find your own local comic shop? Go to and type in your zip code. The website will point you in the right direction.