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Vision returns in “Vision Quest”

It looks like Vision will be returning to the MCU with his own show titled Vision Quest. The last time we saw him was in the finale of WandaVision where he’s been missing ever since.

In the finale of WandaVision, Vision’s memories had been downloaded into a new white android body. After sparring with the old Vision, they came to a battle of wits where old Vision basically transferred all of his memories to the new Vision. After which, Vision pretty much got the heck outta’ dodge. Flying straight up into the blue sky disappearing from all subsequent Disney+ shows as well as Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness. And, it feels like, from the MCU entirely. One of the most peculiar things about Doctor Strange was that Wanda was all up in that movie, but with no mention of Vision at all. It’s all about the kids, but why isn’t she wondering where the heck Vision is?

Well that’s what I’ve been wondering since WandaVision ended. Vision Quest will be plugging up any open holes left over from that plotline. Of course it’s Marvel’s MO to keep things hush hush. But I’m not sure there’s much to leak since reports that Marvel just cranked up the writer’s room on this bad boy. It’s exciting for me because Vision is my wife’s favorite character. So much so that after watching Multiverse of Madness was disappointed when Vision never turned up. Speaking of no-shows: the big question is will Wanda be in Vision Quest? While she isn’t credited as co-star, that doesn’t mean she won’t show up at all. I mean, we all saw the ending of Multiverse of Madness, right? Wanda’s dead right? I wouldn’t count her out yet…just sayin’. But for now count me in for Vision Quest.

According to, “‘Vision Quest’ was the title of the West Coast Avengers comics in the late ’80s. This story saw the android Avenger taken apart, and then rebuilt stripped of his personality. This caused the end of his marriage to the Scarlet Witch, and her subsequent insanity that led to so many problems. They have adapted already much of this storyline already in WandaVision. So we expect the title ‘Vision Quest’ to not be a literal adaptation.” But surely it will stay walking a similar path while Vision retraces his steps to rediscover who he is.

Power Rangers in Space Reunion Event!

On November 19th and 20th Fanboys Marketplace is hosting a Power Rangers in Space Reunion Event. VIP passes and photo tickets are available now for purchase ahead of time. Click the link here, and we’ll see you in November!