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Wonder Woman: Historia Strikes Again

Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons‘ second issue delivers

Perhaps you will remember a blog I wrote highlighting a certain Kelly Sue DeConnick’s recent rise to the top of the heap when it comes to female comic creators. If you don’t, please take a moment and check it out here. In that blog I mention her current project where she’s writing about a little known character some of you may or may not be familiar with: Wonder Woman. DeConnick’s in the midst of telling the history of The Amazonian’s upbringings and the origins of The Amazons themselves.

In the first issue DeConnick teams up with artist Phil Jimenez whose show stopping artwork almost stole the show. His highly illustrated and detailed drawings were worth the cover price alone. It’s like taking home a coffee table art book for just $8. Well, issue two dropped today with Gene Ha at the drawing desk this time and…well…I’ll let the images speak for themselves.

Are there…faces in nature? or are my eyes just playing tricks? Oh, it’s no trick. Ha relies heavily on the art of optical illusions to help tell the story DeConnick’s laid out for him. “I wanted Artemis to clearly be there, and to clearly not be there,” Ha wrote in the issue’s back matter. “Both a small figure, and greater than human, both fully true at the same time.” And well done. Phil Jimenez’s work on the first issue was surely a hard act to follow. Props to Gene Ha for giving us something to go back for. And a huge ovation for the both of them for elevating comic art to an entire new level.

Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons issue #2 is out today.